Docs Development

How to Contribute to the Development of this documentation site?

Development of documentation takes place in dev branch. The master branch holds the build version of this website.

Building from dev to master branches include the following steps:

  • complete your code edits, push or PR to dev
  • run GIT_USER=__USER WITH PUSH PREV__ yarn deploy

We appreciate your feedback via issues/pull requests.

Auto pull documentation from other repositories

In most cases, every model builder will develop their own independent documentation. We built a workflow using GitHub actions that will pull the relevant files from every downstream repository and add it to this documentation site. That way, the source of truth for every repository still lives in the repo where the code is.

To add your repository to this documentation site, link the markdown files by editing pull_docs.yml file located at .github/workflows/pull_docs.yml. Use the following syntax to add a new block:

- name: Update REPO_NAME
run: bash .github/scripts/ -o REPO_NAME_OWNER -r REPO_NAME (-d DESTINATION_PATH) (-s SOURCE_FILE_PATH) (-l REPO_LABEL)

In the yml file you'll probably see other repositories linked. Make sure to match the indentation level of them and that name and run are at the same level.

The documentation will be generated at: <DESTINATION_PATH>/<REPO_LABEL>.md. REPO_LABEL is inferred by default from your REPO_NAME by removing the prefix CS_ if it exists (e.g. CS_Brix becomes Brix and MyRepo stays as MyRepo).

You can skip PATH_TO_FILE if your documentation is in the

If you are linking a wiki page, make sure to set REPO_NAME_OWNER=wiki/REPO_NAME_OWNER. If this is the case, the default PATH_TO_FILE will be

If your documentation is in the and your library is part of modules, you can also skip DESTINATION_PATH. In the future, we might want to make the default docsite/docs/one-off-projects.

For example, a simple module called CS_MyModule part of the CityScope organization that has all its documentation in should be added as:

- name: Update CS_MyModule
run: bash .github/scripts/ -o CityScope -r CS_MyModule

To add the Home wiki page of a module called CS_MyModule, part of the CityScope organization, use the following block:

- name: Update CS_MyModule
run: bash .github/scripts/ -o wiki/CityScope -r CS_MyModule